Number of entries: {{=total['entries']}} {{if total['entries'] > 0:}}
Hit Ratio: {{=total['ratio']}}% ({{=total['hits']}} hits and {{=total['misses']}} misses)
Size of cache: {{if object_stats:}} {{=total['objects']}} items, {{=total['bytes']}} bytes {{if total['bytes'] > 524287:}} ({{="%.0d" % (total['bytes'] / 1048576)}} MB) {{pass}} {{else:}} not available (requires the Python guppy library) {{pass}}
Cache contains items up to {{="%02d" % total['oldest'][0]}} hours {{="%02d" % total['oldest'][1]}} minutes {{="%02d" % total['oldest'][2]}} seconds old.
{{=BUTTON(T('Cache Keys'), _onclick='jQuery("#all_keys").toggle();')}}{{pass}}
Number of entries: {{=ram['entries']}} {{if ram['entries'] > 0:}}
Hit Ratio: {{=ram['ratio']}}% ({{=ram['hits']}} hits and {{=ram['misses']}} misses)
Size of cache: {{if object_stats:}} {{=ram['objects']}} items, {{=ram['bytes']}} bytes {{if ram['bytes'] > 524287:}} ({{=ram['bytes'] / 1048576}} MB) {{pass}} {{else:}} not available (requires the Python guppy library) {{pass}}
RAM contains items up to {{="%02d" % ram['oldest'][0]}} hours {{="%02d" % ram['oldest'][1]}} minutes {{="%02d" % ram['oldest'][2]}} seconds old.
{{=BUTTON(T('RAM Cache Keys'), _onclick='jQuery("#ram_keys").toggle();')}}{{pass}}
Number of entries: {{=disk['entries']}} {{if disk['entries'] > 0:}}
Hit Ratio: {{=disk['ratio']}}% ({{=disk['hits']}} hits and {{=disk['misses']}} misses)
Size of cache: {{if object_stats:}} {{=disk['objects']}} items, {{=disk['bytes']}} bytes {{if disk['bytes'] > 524287:}} ({{=disk['bytes'] / 1048576}} MB) {{pass}} {{else:}} not available (requires the Python guppy library) {{pass}}
DISK contains items up to {{="%02d" % disk['oldest'][0]}} hours {{="%02d" % disk['oldest'][1]}} minutes {{="%02d" % disk['oldest'][2]}} seconds old.
{{=BUTTON(T('Disk Cache Keys'), _onclick='jQuery("#disk_keys").toggle();')}}{{pass}}